Tuesday, December 21, 2021

2021 HKDSE English Language Past Paper - Paper 2

2021 HKDSE English Language Past Paper - Paper 2 writing

2021 香港中學文憑試 英文科試卷 英文卷 寫作卷

HKDSE English 2021 Paper 2 - Writing

* 此blog 所提供的 DSE Pastpaper (包括 2012-2020 版權屬香港考試及評核局所有,下載後請於 24 小時內刪除,下載的 DSE Pastpaer 僅用於教學用途,因此造成的任何責任與本網無關!)


DSE 免費下載 試題及答案下載 

Monday, December 20, 2021

2021 HKDSE English Language Past Paper - Paper 3 Listening & Integrated Skills, Part B1 & B2 (with tapescript, ans & Data File)

2021 HKDSE English Language Past Paper - Paper 3 Listening & Integrated Skills, Part B1 & B2 (with tapescript, ans & Data File)

2021 香港中學文憑試 英文科試卷 英文卷 聆聽及綜合能力

Part A- Listening - Question Answer Book

Part B1- Integrated skills - Question Answer Book
Part B1 - Data File

Part B2- Integrated skills - Question Answer Book
Part B2 - Data File

Marking Scheme

Sound Track (Listening & Integrated Skills)

* 此blog 所提供的 DSE Pastpaper (包括 2012-2020 版權屬香港考試及評核局所有,下載後請於 24 小時內刪除,下載的 DSE Pastpaer 僅用於教學用途,因此造成的任何責任與本網無關!)

DSE 免費下載 試題及答案下載 

Thursday, December 16, 2021

2021 HKDSE English Language Past Paper - Paper 1 reading with answer key

2021 HKDSE English Language Past Paper - Paper 1 reading with answer key 

2021 香港中學文憑試 英文科試卷 英文卷 閱讀

* 此blog 所提供的 DSE Pastpaper (包括 2012-2021 版權屬香港考試及評核局所有,下載後請於 24 小時內刪除,下載的 DSE Pastpaer 僅用於教學用途,因此造成的任何責任與本網無關!)

HKDSE English 2021 Paper 1 - Reading Question Answer Book, Passage & Answer Key
Reading Paper - Reading Passage (Part A)

Reading Paper (Answer Key)

DSE 免費下載 試題及答案下載 
Part b1

Sunday, November 21, 2021

2022 HKDSE Timetable 香港中學文憑考試 考試時間表


我估... 對住個考試時間表應該會多番d溫書ge動力掛~ 

Link: 2022 HKDSE Timetable

Tuesday, November 16, 2021

HKDSE SBA print-fiction 書單 / 推薦書 (Updated on 30 NOV 2021)

SBA 揀啲乜嘢書真係一門學問。所以我特登整咗一個書單,希望俾大家參考。其實揀書都好睇你哋老師嘅口味,例如有啲老師唔鍾意睇Mitch Albom既書,覺得太濫或姐太陳腔濫調。所以揀咗書之後,不妨問吓你哋老師嘅意見。

Recommended Books (will be updated regularly):

    1. 1984
    2. All the Light We Cannot See
    3. Animal Farm
    4. Boy
    5. Chinese Cinderella
    6. Lolita by Vladimir Nabokov (updated on 2021/11/30) 
    7. Lord of the Flies
    8. The Alchemist (updated on 2021/11/30)
    9. The Book Thief
    10. The Catcher in the Rye
    11. The Grapes of Wrath
    12. The Green Mile
    13. The Kite Runner
    14. The Pigman
    15. The Prize Winner of Defiance, Ohio (updated on 2021/11/30)
    16. The Snows of Kilimanjaro (updated on 2021/11/30) 
    17. The Time Machine
    18. To Kill a Mockingbird
    19. Tuesdays with Morrie

Monday, November 15, 2021

Argumentative/Persuasive Writing (HKDSE 英文作文) – language devices – Part 2

除左之前提過既rhetorical questions & rule of 3. 其實仲有唔少日常生活見到既devices可以幫到我地作文。

The use of pronouns

To be persuasive, you need to engage your audience. We should use ‘we’ and ‘you’ appropriately so as to connect with your audience. The pronoun 'we' is used to invoke a sense of collectivity and to share responsibility. 'You' is used to convey common sense or generally admitted truth. The use of 'our' is also common in persuasive writing but we are not going to cover it here.

Example (s)
1.     “Members of Congress, we must work together to help control those costs and extend the benefits of modern medicine  throughout our country” (George W. Bush)
2.     Should we just sit and do nothing?
3.     Do you know what is the most effective remedy for global warming? It is your support and determination.

The use, especially in poetry, of the same sound or sounds, especially consonants, at the beginning of several words that are close together.

Example (s)
1.     It is disturbing, and disappointing that hikers littered along hiking trails.
2.     Reuse, recyle and reduce are the key to reducing waste.

Sunday, November 7, 2021

Argumentative/Persuasive Writing (HKDSE 英文作文) – language devices – Part 1

今次試下寫d新野,睇下會唔會幫到大家作文。DSE考生最鍾意寫既其中一個genre就係article,通常都係argumentative essay 或姐一d帶persuasive nature既文體。langauge devices 可以幫你豐富篇文,同時切合文章既類型,今次就介紹其中兩個language devices先。

When you are writing an argumentative/persuasive text, consider using the following devices to make your writing more convincing:

1.     Rhetorical questions

2.     Rule of 3

3.     The use of pronouns

4.     Alliteration

5.     Counter arguments

6.     Evoke imagination


Rhetorical questions

Rhetorical questions are used to create a dramatic effect or to make a point. You can also use rhetorical questions to introduce an argument. Sometimes, we can also give answers to the questions to articulate our thoughts clearly.



1.     Who wouldn’t want to be a millionaire?

2.     Should we just sit and do nothing?

3.     Do you know what is the most effective remedy for global warming? It is your support and determination.


Rule of 3

If you are going to use adjectives for your examples, try to use three adjectives together. It is not necessary to use adjectives.



1.     It is annoying, upsetting and disappointing that some people litter in country parks.

2.     It takes blood, sweat and tears of the legislators to make the financial crisis reforms possible.

如果覺得有用既記得留言。另外,如果有咩想知ge都可以係下面留言比我知。黎緊仲會講下SBA 可以點樣簡書同埋簡d咩書。

Tuesday, October 12, 2021

2014 HKDSE 英文卷 Cut-off Score - 颱風圓規襲港 (2)


2014 cut-off score, 計算方法如下:

For example: 
To obtain a level 5** for paper 1, you have to get at least 76 out of 88 marks (56 x 85.60%)

近日有讀者send email給我,問有關cut-off score 的問題,特意借此機會解釋一下。
讀者問:如過要在今年(假設2015年)的說話卷拿5** ,不是49.35分就已經足夠嗎?

Credit to: A Curriculum Development Enthusiast
* The cut-off score is only applicable to part B2 exam-takers
* Because of the limited data, cut-off scores of level 1 to 3 are not available
*全部 cut-off score 係以Paper A + Paper B2 為準。


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2015 HKDSE 英文卷 Cut-off Score - 颱風圓規襲港


2015 cut-off score, 計算方法如下:

For example: 
To obtain a level 5** for paper 4, you have to get at least 50 out of 56 marks (56 x 88.14%)

近日有讀者send email給我,問有關cut-off score 的問題,特意借此機會解釋一下。
讀者問:如過要在今年(假設2015年)的說話卷拿5** ,不是49.35分就已經足夠嗎?

Credit to: A Curriculum Development Enthusiast
* The cut-off score is only applicable to part B2 exam-takers
* Because of the limited data, cut-off scores of level 1 to 3 are not available
*全部 cut-off score 係以Paper A + Paper B2 為準。


#DSE 免費下載 試題及答案下載  #HKDSE 英文科 cut off score #past paper cut off 分數

Tuesday, September 7, 2021

2016 HKDSE 英文卷 Cut-off Score - 開學喇

blogger唔係太user-friendly, 禁錯野就全部無曬....  本來打既字就無左.... 喊出黎....

2016 cut-off score, 計算方法如下:

For example: 
To obtain a level 5** for paper 4, you have to get at least 50 out of 56 marks (56 x 87.85%)

Credit to: A Curriculum Enthusiast
* The cut-off score is only applicable to part B2 exam-takers
* Because of the limited data, cut-off scores of level 1 to 3 are not available
*全部 cut-off score 係以Paper A + Paper B2 為準。


#DSE 免費下載 試題及答案下載  #HKDSE 英文科 cut off score #past paper cut off 分數

Friday, August 20, 2021

2017 HKDSE 英文卷 Cut-off Score

2017 cut-off score, 計算方法如下:

For example: 
To obtain a level 5** for paper 4, you have to get at least 49 out of 56 marks (56 x 87.03%)
Credit to: A Curriculum Enthusiast [A nerdy friend :)]
* The cut-off score is only applicable to part B2 exam-takers
* Because of the limited data, cut-off scores of level 1 to 3 are not available
*全部 cut-off score 係以Paper A + Paper B2 為準。


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Wednesday, August 18, 2021

HKDSE 2018 英國語文科 Cut-off Score

唔知大家身邊會唔會都有好多朋友喺暑假完之前離開香港呢?如果我今年要考DSE, 我相信對我來講都會係好特別嘅一年。見着身邊嘅朋友一個一個咁離開,心裏面總會散發着淡淡然嘅哀愁。

注意! 全部 cut-off score 係以Paper A + Paper B2 為準。

For example: 
To obtain a level 4 for paper 1, you have to get at least 56 out of 84 marks (84 x 65.55%)

Credit to: A Curriculum Enthusiast [A nerdy friend :)]
* The cut-off score is only applicable to part B2 exam-takers
* Because of the limited data, cut-off scores of level 1 to 3 are not available


#DSE 免費下載 試題及答案下載  #HKDSE 英文科 cut off score #past paper cut off 分數

Monday, August 16, 2021

2019 HKDSE English Language Cut-off Score


再次提提大家,個表係點樣用嘅先。下面嘅數字係一個percentage,等你知道不同級別(Grade)所需既分數 你將份卷嘅總分乘相應嘅百分比咁你就知道自己需要攞幾多分先至可以攞到某一個DSE等級。

注意! 全部 cut-off score 係以Paper A + Paper B2 為準。

For example: 
To obtain a level 4 for paper 3, you have to get at least 66 out of 106 marks (106 x 61.85%)

Credit to: A Curriculum Enthusiast [A nerdy friend :)]
* The cut-off score is only applicable to part B2 exam-takers
* Because of the limited data, cut-off scores of level 1 to 3 are not available


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Thursday, August 12, 2021

2020 HKDSE English Language Cut-off Score


踏入暑假嘅尾聲,相信大家都開始為來年作準備。 要攞到好嘅成績,就一定要定一個清晰嘅目標。記得自己仲係一個學生嘅時候, 往往都唔知自己份卷究竟要考幾多分先至可以攞到某一個成績。 希望跟住落嚟嘅資訊可以幫到大家好好準備嚟緊嘅DSE。

首先講吓個表係點樣用嘅先,下面嘅數字係一個百分比,等你知道不同級別(Grade)所需分數 你將份卷嘅總分乘相應嘅百分比咁你就知道自己需要攞幾多分先至可以攞到某一個DSE等級。

注意! 全部 cut-off score 係以Paper A + Paper B2 為準。

For example: 
To obtain a 5** for paper 1 in 2020, you have to get at least 75 out of 84 marks (84 x 88.31%)

Credit to: A Curriculum Enthusiast [A nerdy friend :)]

* Paper 4 was canceled in 2020, the grade reported for the speaking component is partially based on the performance of the SBA
* The cut-off score is only applicable to part B2 exam-takers
* Because of the limited data, cut-off scores of level 1 to 3 are not available


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Monday, July 19, 2021

2019 HKDSE English Language Past Paper - Paper 3 Listening & Integrated Skills, Part B2 (with tapescript, ans & Data File)

2019 HKDSE English Language Past Paper - Paper 3 Listening & Integrated Skills  (with tapescript, ans & Data File)

2019 香港中學文憑試 英文科試卷 英文卷 聆聽及綜合能力

* 此blog 所提供的 DSE Pastpaper (包括 2012-2020 版權屬香港考試及評核局所有,下載後請於 24 小時內刪除,下載的 DSE Pastpaer 僅用於教學用途,因此造成的任何責任與本網無關!)

DSE 免費下載 試題及答案下載 

2019 HKDSE English Language Past Paper - Paper 2

2019 HKDSE English Language Past Paper - Paper 2 writing

2019 香港中學文憑試 英文科試卷 英文卷 寫作卷

HKDSE English 2019 Paper 2 - Writing

* 此blog 所提供的 DSE Pastpaper (包括 2012-2020 版權屬香港考試及評核局所有,下載後請於 24 小時內刪除,下載的 DSE Pastpaer 僅用於教學用途,因此造成的任何責任與本網無關!)


DSE 免費下載 試題及答案下載 

2019 HKDSE English Language Past Paper - Paper 1 (part B1 & B2) reading with answer key

2019 HKDSE English Language Past Paper - Paper 1 (part B1 & B2) reading with answer key 

2019 香港中學文憑試 英文科試卷 英文卷 閱讀

* 此blog 所提供的 DSE Pastpaper (包括 2012-2020 版權屬香港考試及評核局所有,下載後請於 24 小時內刪除,下載的 DSE Pastpaer 僅用於教學用途,因此造成的任何責任與本網無關!)

HKDSE English 2019 Paper 1 - Reading Question Answer Book, Passage & Answer Key
Reading Paper - Reading Passage & Question Answer Book (Part A)
Reading Paper - Reading Passage & Question Answer Book (Part B2)

Reading Paper (Answer Key)

DSE 免費下載 試題及答案下載 

Friday, July 16, 2021

2017 HKDSE English Language Past Paper - Paper 1 (part B1 & B2) reading with answer key

2017 HKDSE English Language Past Paper - Paper 1 (part B1 & B2) reading with answer key 

2017 香港中學文憑試 英文科試卷 英文卷 閱讀

* 此blog 所提供的 DSE Pastpaper (包括 2012-2020 版權屬香港考試及評核局所有,下載後請於 24 小時內刪除,下載的 DSE Pastpaer 僅用於教學用途,因此造成的任何責任與本網無關!)

HKDSE English 2017 Paper 1 - Reading Question Answer Book, Passage & Answer Key
Reading Paper - Question Answer Book (Part A)
Reading Paper - Question Answer Book (Part B2)

Reading Paper - Reading Passage (Part A)

Reading Paper (Answer Key)

DSE 免費下載 試題及答案下載 

2017 HKDSE English Language Past Paper - Paper 2

2017 HKDSE English Language Past Paper - Paper 2 writing

2017 香港中學文憑試 英文科試卷 英文卷 寫作卷

HKDSE English 2017 Paper 2 - Writing

Writing Paper Part A & B 

* 此blog 所提供的 DSE Pastpaper (包括 2012-2020 版權屬香港考試及評核局所有,下載後請於 24 小時內刪除,下載的 DSE Pastpaer 僅用於教學用途,因此造成的任何責任與本網無關!)


DSE 免費下載 試題及答案下載 

2017 HKDSE English Language Past Paper - Paper 3 Listening & Integrated Skills, Part B1 & B2 (with tapescript, ans & Data File)

2017 HKDSE English Language Past Paper - Paper 3 Listening & Integrated Skills, Part B1 & B2 (with tapescript, ans & Data File)

2017 香港中學文憑試 英文科試卷 英文卷 聆聽及綜合能力

Part B2- Integrated skills - Question Answer Book

Part B1 - Data File

Part B2 - Data File

Sound Tracks (Listening & Integrated Skills)

Tapescript (Listening & Integrated Skills)

Marking Scheme

* 此blog 所提供的 DSE Pastpaper (包括 2012-2020 版權屬香港考試及評核局所有,下載後請於 24 小時內刪除,下載的 DSE Pastpaer 僅用於教學用途,因此造成的任何責任與本網無關!)

DSE 免費下載 試題及答案下載 

Thursday, July 8, 2021

2016 HKDSE English Language Past Paper - Paper 1 reading with answer key

2016 HKDSE English Language Past Paper - Paper 1 reading with answer key 

2016 香港中學文憑試 英文科試卷 英文卷 閱讀

* 此blog 所提供的 DSE Pastpaper (包括 2012-2020 版權屬香港考試及評核局所有,下載後請於 24 小時內刪除,下載的 DSE Pastpaer 僅用於教學用途,因此造成的任何責任與本網無關!)

HKDSE English 2016 Paper 1 - Reading Question Answer Book, Passage & Answer Key
Reading Paper - Question Answer Book (Part A & Part B2)

Reading Paper (Answer Key)

DSE 免費下載 試題及答案下載