Monday, November 15, 2021

Argumentative/Persuasive Writing (HKDSE 英文作文) – language devices – Part 2

除左之前提過既rhetorical questions & rule of 3. 其實仲有唔少日常生活見到既devices可以幫到我地作文。

The use of pronouns

To be persuasive, you need to engage your audience. We should use ‘we’ and ‘you’ appropriately so as to connect with your audience. The pronoun 'we' is used to invoke a sense of collectivity and to share responsibility. 'You' is used to convey common sense or generally admitted truth. The use of 'our' is also common in persuasive writing but we are not going to cover it here.

Example (s)
1.     “Members of Congress, we must work together to help control those costs and extend the benefits of modern medicine  throughout our country” (George W. Bush)
2.     Should we just sit and do nothing?
3.     Do you know what is the most effective remedy for global warming? It is your support and determination.

The use, especially in poetry, of the same sound or sounds, especially consonants, at the beginning of several words that are close together.

Example (s)
1.     It is disturbing, and disappointing that hikers littered along hiking trails.
2.     Reuse, recyle and reduce are the key to reducing waste.

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