今次試下寫d新野,睇下會唔會幫到大家作文。DSE考生最鍾意寫既其中一個genre就係article,通常都係argumentative essay 或姐一d帶persuasive nature既文體。langauge devices 可以幫你豐富篇文,同時切合文章既類型,今次就介紹其中兩個language devices先。
When you are writing an argumentative/persuasive text, consider using the following devices to make your writing more convincing:
1. Rhetorical questions
2. Rule of 3
3. The use of pronouns
4. Alliteration
5. Counter arguments
6. Evoke imagination
Rhetorical questions
Rhetorical questions are used to create a dramatic effect or to make a point. You can also use rhetorical questions to introduce an argument. Sometimes, we can also give answers to the questions to articulate our thoughts clearly.
1. Who wouldn’t want to be a millionaire?
2. Should we just sit and do nothing?
3. Do you know what is the most effective remedy for global warming? It is your support and determination.
Rule of 3
If you are going to use adjectives for your examples, try to use three adjectives together. It is not necessary to use adjectives.
1. It is annoying, upsetting and disappointing that some people litter in country parks.
2. It takes blood, sweat and tears of the legislators to make the financial crisis reforms possible.
如果覺得有用既記得留言。另外,如果有咩想知ge都可以係下面留言比我知。黎緊仲會講下SBA 可以點樣簡書同埋簡d咩書。